Hearse & Limousine Finance

We can help to arrange business vehicle finance for a hearse or a limousine.  These vehicles are often difficult to finance with main stream lenders due to the non-standard nature of the vehicles and the conversions often needed.

Our panel of business vehicle finance lenders take a flexible approach and understand that certain business sectors require specialist vehicle such as these. If you're looking to expand your fleet or replace an existing vehicle we may well be able to help.  Our underwriters will look at new start or established limited companies (finance is subject to status).

We don't charge a fee for our service and we'll handle the application for you talking you through the process step by step.

You can contact us for an initial chat on 0151 459 6492 or simply click here to apply using our quick and easy online application form. We'll then call you back and run through your requirements before sending your application off to the most appropriate lender from our panel of business finance lenders.