Electric Company Car Finance

Many companies are making the switch to electric cars with increased focus from the government on phasing petrol and diesel variants out over the coming years. Infrastructure for electric vehicles is increasing along with the development of the battery life and range.

People are becoming more comfortable with the change to electric cars and we’ve seen a huge increase in customers looking to arrange finance through their business for a new or used electric car.

Not all finance companies or banks will finance fully electric cars yet as they’re still an unknown quantity in some respects. Banks and lenders rely on book values and previous trends to aid in their lending policy decisions. With electric cars still quite new in the general market, there’s a lack of data for future values and residuals.

We have a broad panel of lenders, within which are lenders who are comfortable to provide finance on electric cars on hire purchase (with or without a balloon payment at the end).

Our finance providers take a sensible approach to business lending, and we try to make the whole process as simple and straightforward as possible for our customers.

Contact us on 0151 459 6492 or simply apply now and we will get to work arranging the finance for your next electric vehicle.